Planning Your Boston Facelift: 5 Tips From a Plastic Surgeon

Woman in Boston, MA considering facelift surgery

Whether you have an upcoming facelift on the books or are still considering it, plan for the best possible experience with this board-certified plastic surgeon’s guide to preparing for your Boston plastic surgery procedure.

Proper planning not only sets you up for success but also puts your mind at ease so you can focus on enjoying your refreshed new look. Follow these 5 steps as you get ready for your facelift transformation.

1. Choose the Right Time

Timing is everything when it comes to scheduling your facelift.


Although people have facelifts done at many different ages, you should make sure you are at the right point in the aging process to be a candidate for the surgery. Most people decide they are ready when they notice jowls, lax lower facial tissues, flat cheeks, and deep creases in the skin.

Downtime and Travel

Plan for about 2 weeks of bruising and swelling after your surgery. If you are from out of town, plan to stay in the area for about 2 weeks before flying home. Learn more about social and physical downtime after facelift surgery in this previous blog post.

2. Explore Your Financial Options

Having your finances planned out ahead of time lets you enjoy a stress-free surgical experience.

Facelift Pricing

The cost of a facelift at my plastic surgery practice in Boston ranges from $12,000 to $22,000. This price varies based on the complexity of your procedure and the degree of correction needed.


While a facelift is not covered by insurance, you do have options for managing your costs. Companies such as CareCredit®, ALHPAEON Credit®, and Prosper Healthcare Lending™ offer affordable financing options and work like credit cards specifically for healthcare costs.

3. Customize Your Transformation

A facelift is not a one-size-fits-all procedure, and it should be tailored to you.

Add Procedures if Needed

Depending on your goals, you may want to include a neck lift, brow lift, or eyelid surgery to complete your look. A combined surgery lets you enjoy the benefits of each procedure while recovering from them all at the same time.

Ask Questions at Your Consultation

Your consultation is your opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns you have with your surgeon. During consultations, I use Crisalix 3D imaging to visually predict your results so we can customize your procedure together and talk over any aspects you may be curious about.

4. Prep Physically and Emotionally

A little preparation before your surgery makes all the difference when it comes to recovery.

Prep Your Body

In the weeks leading up to your facelift, avoid alcohol and smoking, eat a healthy diet, and get regular exercise to set your body up for a low-risk surgery and quick recovery.

Prep Your Mind

It is normal to feel some nerves before surgery. Keep your stress levels low and put your mind at ease by leaning on your support systems, keeping a journal, meditating, and engaging in healthy habits you enjoy.

5. Make the Most of Your Time in Boston

If you’re traveling in for plastic surgery, use your visit to enjoy all the city has to offer.

Plan Your Trip

There is much to explore here in our beautiful region. Get recommendations for hotels, transportation, activities, and more on our out-of-town patients page.

To see examples of the results you can expect after a facelift, please visit my before-and-after photo gallery.

If you would like to learn more about preparing for plastic surgery, please contact me online or call (781) 237-7700 to get in touch.

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