Are you Ready for Liposuction?

Plastic Surgery | Boston | Dr. Christopher Davidson

The next time you try on a new bathing suit and it fits fine but just doesn’t look right or feel comfortable, resist the urge to beat yourself up.  You may very well be engaged in a losing battle with your body’s own gene pool and liposuction may be the secret weapon you’ve been seeking!

Liposuction is currently the most frequently performed cosmetic surgery procedure in the United States, and liposuction is popular in Boston, too. It involves the surgical removal of fat which is vacuumed through a thin tube from the area between the patient’s skin and muscle.  The result is a slimmed-down, enhanced appearance and renewed self-confidence.

In considering liposuction, you may wish to pose the following questions to yourself.

1) Are you eighteen years of ago or older and in reasonably good health?  2)  Do you follow a well-balanced diet and adhere to a regular exercise program?  3)  Do you find yourself struggling with ten to fifteen problem area pounds that simply won’t go away?  If you answered “yes” to each question, you are very likely a candidate for liposuction and you are not alone.

Many men and women struggle with body image issues that impact their confidence and can affect everything from intimate relationships to performance in the workplace.  The body contouring available through liposuction can provide motivated individuals with the self-confidence that many find unattainable through good eating habits and exercise alone.

Once you’ve made the decision to investigate the possibilities available to you through liposuction, it’s imperative that you find a board-certified plastic surgeon who will review your medical history, perform a thorough exam, discuss your goals and provide realistic expectations for your new look following the procedure.  He will also advise you that liposuction is not an alternative to diet or exercise, but a surgical contouring to be combined with commitment to a healthy lifestyle.

Most liposuction is performed on the abdomen and thighs, but the procedure is rapidly gaining popularity for the face, neck, arms, knees, back and bra strap area.  Interestingly, more and more men are opting for the procedure each year.   The vast majority of procedures are performed in surgical suites on an outpatient basis, but cases involving large areas of the body or patients with certain risk factors may elect for an overnight hospital stay.

Recovery time is usually quite brief, but will vary, of course, depending on the extent of the procedure and the type of anesthesia used.  These are all matters which will be discussed in detail with your surgeon prior to the procedure.

Following the procedure, there will be a degree of swelling and discomfort which many patients describe as “soreness”.  This soreness will gradually decrease each day and is most often managed with Tylenol.  Usually, prescription pain medication will be required for a short time.  Most patients report that they are able to return to work in two to three days and resume their normal activities within two weeks.

So, the next time you go shopping, reconsider that eye-catching bathing suit.  You may need it after all!

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